
Jim Darcy Library and Media Center

Online Databases

Got questions? We have answers!

Our online databases provide accurate and reliable information for students to use at home and at school. Get the login information from the library or contact the librarian at


Take books with you wherever you go. Our eBook collections provide access to hundreds of books that can be viewed on a wide variety of devices. Digital books are a great way to help your child develop as a reader.  See the Sora link for more!

Library Check-out Schedule


  • 5H check out
  • 3Sexton Skills
  • 4Kennedy Check out
  • 2Hoffman Both
  • 2Jendro both
  • 5Ferriter Check out


  • 5Strom Skills
  • 3Stefanik Skills
  • 4Racicot Skills
  • 1LeBrun Both
  • 1Bubb both


  • 5Ferriter Skills
  • 3Helseth Skills
  • 4Furshong Skills
  • 1Fish both
  • 1LaChappelle both


  • 5Hofer Skills
  • 3Sexton check out
  • 4Kennedy Skills
  • 4Furshong check out
  • 4Helseth checkout


  • 5Strom check out
  • 3Stefanik check out
  • 4Racicot check out
  • 2VanDyke Both
  • 2Wood Both
  • KRobinson both
  • KSchaefer both
  • KSteffan both
  • KWesterberg both

Checkout Policies

Checkout Policies

  •  Welcome to the library for 2021-2022!  Like everything else, library looks a little different this year.  We still have over 10,000 physical books but now we also have Sora by Overdrive, which is an online library of e-books and audiobooks.  It gives us access to the Montana Libraries To Go and thousands of titles are at your fingertips!  If you haven’t already, please get in and take a look…..  you can download the app to any device and switch between them without losing your place!  Links and directions will be posted on the Jim Darcy website. 
  • Lost Books

Overdue books that cannot be found will be marked LOST. However, most books eventually show up so we urge students to continue looking for books throughout the year.  Students are expected to pay for books that are lost by the end of the year. Payment notifications will be sent home with students in May.

Welcome to the library for 2020-2021!  Like everything else, library looks a little different this year.  We still have over 10,000 physical books but now we also have Sora by Overdrive, which is an online library of e-books and audiobooks.  It gives us access to the Montana Libraries To Go and thousands of titles are at your fingertips!  If you haven’t already, please get in and take a look…..  you can download the app to any device and switch between them without losing your place!  Links and directions will be posted on the Jim Darcy website. 

Student check out will be very different.  All students will still get books each week, but now they will go into the Follett Destiny (library) catalog.  If the teacher uses Clever they will click on the icon and be signed in, if not the sign in information is below.  Once they are in Destiny they place the book or books they want on hold and then I deliver them to their classroom or locker.  I will pick up library books in the classroom each morning, then check them in and put them in quarantine.  I am planning to do Group A Check in on Monday and Group A Check out and delivery on Tuesday.  DLI check in and check out will be Wednesday from 8-10 in the cafeteria.  Group B will have check in on Thursday and have Check out and delivery on Friday. We may adjust as I see how it works….everything is trial and error right now!  Kindergarten and first graders will have a menu with pictures and they will circle what types of books they want, then choose off of the menu again the next week, after they have returned their book.  We will be teaching the lower grades to place holds and if you would like your student to have a specific book, you can either get in  the catalog to place the hold or send me an email.  I also made a Google form for check out that students can fill out to get books.  Library form 

A tutorial with step by step directions will be on the website.  Here is how to get into the catalog:  You can log in with Clever or go to the Jim Darcy website and click on the library catalog link:  Once you are in there, the Username: 1st initial and last name …  ieagondeiro and Password: student ID number six digits, 123456.  Then look through the catalog or enter titles in the search box.  Once you find a book you want, click on it and if you are signed in, a hold button appears with a favorite button beneath it.  Click the hold and it will be delivered to you!  If your student is a DLI student, the books they choose will be available for pick up on Wednesdays in the cafeteria on a library cart in a brown paper bag with their name on it.   There will also be a book return bin in the cafeteria for returns. 

To get into our Sora App, click this link:

You can also get to it through the library catalog, the library website or through Clever.  To sign in, use the same sign as Destiny: first initial, last name for user name and ID number for your password!

If anyone has trouble or needs me to place holds for you, email me at  Also, the Lewis and Clark library will have the bookmobile at Jim Darcy every other Wednesday, so see the website for details!